Watch DOGS

Any interested dad or other father-figure can sign up to assist in the classrooms for one or more days throughout the school year.  A meeting is typically held on a weekday evening at the beginning of the school year. Watch DOGS days are on Wednesdays throughout the school year.  This is a great national program that brings male role models into the classroom.  See here for more information.  DOGS = "Dads of Great Kids"!
Chair: This program is run by Dr. Bruno and Mr. Nejman.
Chair Duties: n/a 
Members Needed: Up to two dads per Wednesday.
Members: Any interested father or father-figure of a student that attends Arbor View.
Member Duties: 
Additional Information 
Here is additional content to be provided by the committee chair.  Please contact the webmaster.
Page Updated: March 20, 2016