About the PTC
The Parent Teacher Council (PTC) is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of the children at Arbor View Elementary School by fostering positive, cooperative relationships among the school, families, teachers, and community. (Bylaws, Section 2.1)
The objectives of the PTC are to promote a sense of school spirit and encourage an atmosphere of communication among families, staff, and students. The PTC also provides a forum for information on educational issues and works to develop united efforts to secure the highest advantages in social and emotional education for every child. The PTC may also plan and conduct special events which may raise funds to be used to benefit Arbor View Elementary and the school community. (Bylaws, Section 2.2)
The General Membership of the PTC shall include any parent or guardian of a student at the school, the school Principal, and any faculty or staff member employed at the school. (Bylaws, Section 4.1)
The Executive Board is comprised of the President or Co-Presidents, Vice-President or Co-Vice Presidents, Secretary or Co-Secretaries, and Treasurer. (Bylaws, Section 5.1)
The Executive Committee is chaired by the PTC President(s) and consists of the Executive Board and may include any Committee Chairpersons, an appointed Arbor View faculty member, and the school Principal. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee will occur at the General PTC meetings. (Bylaws, Section 6.1)
We encourage you to join us as we work with educators and other parents to develop an environment for educational excellence. Your talents and time are treasures that Arbor View School and the PTC need and welcome.
Executive Board and Officers
Our current bylaws can be accessed below
If you have any questions please reach out to the PTC Officers at info@arborviewptc.org
Coming soon...